Our Office

2016 first floor gali no 39 bank street Karol bagh new delhi 110005
Mobile no - +91 93112 02046
Email Id - hmindia2022@gmail.com
1. The name of the company is HAMDAN FOUNDATION
2. The registered office of the company will be situated in the state of Delhi
3. The objects for which the company is established are:
a. To promote and foster educational, social, cultural and moral
behaviour to introduce new concept to improve teaching system &
popularize new technologies, tools & techniques to provide stress free
education & organize Parents-Teachers-Students meetings to sort out
problems & over all development of children
b. To organize seminars/conferences/training programs for students,
teachers and parents for the development of quality education.
c. To open and manage Play-away, Pre-nursery, Primary & Higher
Education, academic, technical and professional courses.
d. To provide & to arrange the Day & Night Tuition Centres, Coaching
Centres and Day/Night schools.
e. To encourage R & D in teaching and health; manage the scholarship &
educational scheme and join hands with educational institutions to
uplift the standard of education.
f. To manage a Career CounsellingCentres for students.
g. To enhance community participation in school management and
protection of children's right improve the performance of teachers in
the use of interactive, child cantered and gender sensitive teaching
methods in multigame classrooms and improve the social condition
which affects the attendance and of school-age children.
h. To arrange facility for good quality base & higher education for youth and
poor students and diffuse information on educational matters, formal and
informal and with that objects, to subscribe for collect periodicals, books,
journals etc. on education and development and other related subjects and
the recycling paper units.
i. To establish special school for mute, blind, mentally and physically
handicapped persons/child the rehabilitation and counsellingcentre.
j. To provide a specialized Nursery Teacher's Training ECCE(Early
Childhood Care & Education) Course.
k. To open working women hostels, short stay home, youth centre,
women atrocity programs, pro school coaching centre and other related
educational coaching centres of rural people and to undertake literacy
l. To provide care, education, protection and shelter to destitute, abandoned/
street children.
m. To create technological infrastructure for employment generation in
rural & urban areas to develop technology for providing basic needs to
the poor like housing education & health to improve their living
n. To promote moral & spiritual, culture through education with special
emphasis on mutual cooperation and brotherhood.
o. To promote & impart technical, medical, educational, physical training
& yoga-meditation training etc.
p. To starts all types of educational & vocational Training Centres like
Computer Centre, Adult Education Centre or any Diploma or Degrees
course run by State or Centre Government.
q. To conduct National Environment Awareness Programs (NEAC) each year,
to implement various Education Props in various schools.
a. To investigate and check whether the law of Prevention of Cruelty to
animals in basically in operation.
b. To provide free medical aid to sick animals.
c. To heighten public awareness on the torture perpetrated on animals and
regarding their well beings as well.
d. To conduct Mobile Dispensary Programs for the Animals.
e. To promote live stocks and animal husbandry.
f. To construct sheds for the stay of injured animals in India.
g. To organize and celebrate wild and domestic animal day.
a. To organize healthcheck up and awareness camps (specially for women,
children & senior citizens)
b. To create public awareness about hygiene and cleanliness. Provide
healthcare facilities to women & children at their door step.
c. To work with national and international organizations like World Health
Organization (WHO), United Nations Children's Fund(UNICEF), United
Nations Development Fund for Women(UNIFEM) etc. and other
state/central government agencies.
d. To participate in the various programs conducted by state/central
government like Pulse Polio Immunization, Vaccination, AIDS awareness
e. To arrange prevention of spreading of epidemic by vaccination,
immunization and to keep the slum from unhygienic conditions.
f. To open, construct and manage rural &urban health services centre,
hospitals, dispensaries with adequate facilities. Ward including maternity
and child welfare units, laboratories, operation theatres, diagnostic and
treatment appliances, store quarters etc. with a specific view to providing
surgical and medical facilities free of cost to the poor masses.
g. To organize seminars/conferences, training programs for doctors
(Aryuvedic, Unani, acupressure, homoeopathy, magneto therapy,
naturopathy, acupuncture etc.)
h. To do survey and research in Indian medicine and open hospitals (special
reference to Ayurveda); provide mobile dispensaries and run ambulances
with latest first aid facilities,
i. To take up and establish and destitute home and to take up program
relating to family welfare and crèche programs.
a. To promote social development programs like national integration
camps etc.
b. To organize all types of cultural programs;
c. To organize all types of adventure, cultural sports, vocational training
and educational activities.
d. To work for removal of social evils such as illiteracy, dowry, female
feticide, drug, alcohol addiction, untouchability, child marriage etc. to
generate the feeling of community by organizing community fest.
e. To bring together persons of various communities for peace and
brotherhood and promote communal harmony.
f. To devise and work out schemes of universal brotherhood.
g. To work for the removal of social evils such as illiteracy &inferiority
complex among the student from their childhood.
h. To arrange, hold and establish social gathering and to celebrate festivals
of nationalrecognize to bring about social & mental harmonypeace and
i. To stimulate people's involvement and organize; community action in
the fields of social economic and cultural development.
j. To provide help, education and other facilities for reforming the life of
a. To protect human rights and consumers rights etc.
b. To protect child rights against the cruelty through Child Abuse Prevention
Committee for the betterment of children.
c. To support the claim of every citizen, to enjoy basic Civil Liberties & Fundamental
d. To protect women human rights & aware them for their rights in society.
e. To manage Legal aid centre for helpless people.
f. To encourage the Right to information Act 2005 (RTI) & file Public Writ Petition
based on general interest.
g. To promote Anti-Terrorism & Anti-Corruption Campaign.
a. To preserve and protect wild life movements, ecological and environmental
balance of nature and develop wastelands, forests and to adopt social forestry
providing awareness and training facilities to the rural people and promotion of
devices using non-conventional energy sources.
b. To work for anti-pollution
c. To support national and international efforts for the conservation and rational use
of natural resources through social mobilization and people's participation.
Initiatives will cover programs such as protected area management; community
water conservation and harvesting, development of women's nurseries and better
management of forestry resources being used. Other activities include
environmental education and training, development and promoting environment
friendly industrialization.
d. To work closely with public bodies, corporations, cultural agencies etc. for
protecting and restoring the environment.
e. To preserve biological & cultural resources and to work in order to inform, defend
and protect historical monuments by using legal, judicial and public pressure
through media, publication, petitions etc.
f. To work for maintaining and conservation of Bio-Diversity.
g. To implement various projects related to social forestry, tree plantation etc.
a. To enhance the livelihoods and income of artisan clusters, rural communities,
women etc. through the development of micro, medium and small farmers,
fisherman, and tribal people.
b. To Impart vocational training (cutting & tailoring, embroidery, knitting)
c. To provide full range of services, including organized collection of rural produce,
storage, transportation, marketing and export.
d. To provide assistance to socially & economically weaker communities, small and
marginal farmers, landless laborers, and the women group to enable them to be
better organized to manage their own progress.
e. To raise employment, reduce poverty and improve the quality of rural life;
strengthening and to develop human resources.
f. To promote rural & local industries in producing high quality products such as
metal-ware, hand printed textiles, embroidered articles, artistic handmade jewelry,
lace & embroidery crafted stones, jute etc.
g. To participate in specialized Trade Fares on state, national & international level to
promote the objectives of the NPO.
h. To plan & organize training of persons employed or desires of seeking
employment in cottage/village Industries & to organize trade
fares/exhibitions/events to promote the cause of agricultural & rural development
in India & abroad like handicrafts fairs, Ayurveda & other Indian Systems of
medicine information Trade fare.
i. To establish Village Industries/Cottage Industries/Small Scale Industries in the
rural areas & urban areas.
j. To provide livestock health cover, setting up to veterinary dispensaries & services.
k. To establish Seed Processing units to provide better quality seeds to the farmers.
l. To strengthen special employment generation programs by way of selfemployment
through government schemes.
m. To establish Export Oriented Units (EOUs) to export small/cottage/village/rural
agricultural and other rural products both in natural and processed forms. It
includes herbal products, tee, coffee, spices, grains, organic & dairy products etc.
n. To promote cultivation & processing of high quality commercial medicinal plants:
o. To act a catalyst for developing self-employment/entrepreneurship
p. To appoint & supervise paid staff for the organization and to set up regional and
branch office of suitable places in rural/urban areas of the state.
q. To economically empower women in rural, urban und semi-urban areas through
the development of entrepreneurial skills, elimination of constraints faced by
women, and strengthen trade support network.
a. To create employment opportunities for women and youth through vocational
training facilities to trace out skilled force of women/youth.
b. To implement various Handicraft/Handlooms related projects for the
c. To set up Working Hostels, Short Stay Homes, SudharCenters for the women.
d. Development of MahilaMandals embracing people from all sections of all the
e. To setup Training-cum-Production Units for Women and Marketing of products.
f. To Formation of Self Help Groups of the poor women.
g. To provide free Legal Literacy to the Women / Girls.
h. To Provide Free Sex Education To The Youth / Adolescent`s girls.
i. To aware the Rural Women about Personal Hygienic.
j. To setup Women Helpline Number.
k. To implement various other Women Empowerment related programmes.
a. To implement development programs and undertake support activities in the
contemporary socio-economic and development regions in a broader prospective
and specifically for sustainable development of weaker sections, women, minorities,
senior citizens, youth destitute, children of difficult circumstances deprived,
discriminated and maladjustment of population sponsored as well as on its
initiatives with major focus on envisaged utilization and replication and on large
b. To help & provide basic amenities including health, accommodation etc. to senior
c. To provide consultancy & expert services to the school, colleges, institutes and
corporate sectors.
d. To foster contact and consultation through commissioned research, workshops,
seminars and conferences among academicians, policy framers, managers,
entrepreneurs, traders and accredited professionals bodies globally in purchase of
the above to frame and programs in nurturing socio-economic progress regionally.
e. To work with state, national and international agencies like Red Cross,
commonwealth agencies, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), World Bank,
South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) etc. for the betterment of
f. To provide basic social services to all especially in rural areas and ensure that every
one has access to Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services, Primary
Health Care, nutrition, basic education, drinking water and sanitation and shelter.
g. To create the rural masses to carry out & relief & rehabilitation work during natural
calamities of floods droughts, famines, fire, epidemics etc.
h. To create rural & urban masses arouse and fully apprised of adequate knowledge
and facilities and attaining leadership qualities among rural & urban youth,
disciplined, determined and responsible citizens, for the common cause through
adequate guidelines, motivation, training etc in rural & urban communities.
a. To organize various vocational training courses for youth.
b. To setup youth Employment Information Centre.
c. To implement various Youth Empowerment & Adolescents Development projects.
d. To initiate and organize need oriented rural development programs for the youths.
e. To impart education and training on the basis of youth organization methods and
f. To organize various sports meets at village, Block, District and State level.
g. To conduct various Adventure programs & National Integration programs for
a. To organize cultural and Educational programs.
b. To organize all types Cultural Exhibitions.
c. To arrange financial assistance from central/state govt. and voluntary organizations
for conducting cultural activities.
d. Celebration of Centenaries of important Personalities.
e. Promotion and Strengthening of Regional and Local Museums.
f. To conduct survey/studies/research on Tribal / Folk-art of the state.
a. To work for welfare of the school, malnutrition and street Children.
b. To implement various programs for the welfare of the physically & mentally
handicapped children,
c. To setup Orphanage House and to establish Crèches for the poor & needy
rural/slum children.
d. To run Children Library and to educate school drop-out children through Non
formal education system and prevention for child labour.
a. To receive Grant-in-aid from the District, State & Central level Department for the
welfare of the weaker section of the society.
b. To supply Drinking Water facilities in rural & urban slum areas.
c. To implement various funding projects of Govt. & Non-Government Agencies.
d. Development of Children/Youth Club and MahillaMandals embracing people from
all sections of all the sections of all the sections.
e. Organization of hobby classes, craft training, painting competitions and technical
education like sewing and embroidery for ladies for weaker section as well as for the
new generation.
f. To make rural people conscious of their rights and responsibilities, enabling them to
strive for honest efficient administration, speedier justice and for better education,
health and other services.
g. To Organize Legal Awareness Camps/ programs in rural & urban slums areas for a
proper guidance and advice of rural & urban slum people.
h. To implement various programs for the awareness of the people.
a. To work with media for creating awareness in society all social, environmental and
moral evils.
b. To use all means of mass communication for fulfilling the aim and objectives of the
a. To establish labour union for labour welfare and their betterment.
b. To improve the economic condition of workers by securing them better wages.
c. To secure for workers better working conditions.
d. To secure bonus for the workers from the profits of the enterprise/organization.
e. To ensure stable employment for workers and resist the schemes of management
which reduce employment opportunities.
f. To provide legal assistance to workers in connection with disputes regarding work
and payment of wages.
g. To protect the jobs of labour against retrenchment and layoff etc.
h. To ensure that workers get as per rules provident fund, pension and other benefits.
i. To secure for the workers better safety and health welfare schemes.
j. To secure workers participation in management.
k. To inculcate discipline, self-respect and dignity among workers.
l. To ensure opportunities for promotion and training.
m. To secure organizational efficiency and high productivity.
n. To generate a committed industrial work force for improving productivity of the
a. To promote good governance at the grassroots level.
b. To Conducting training and capacity-building workshop for elected local body and
the local administration officials.
c. To promote and create livelihood for Self-help group, socially and economically
weaker sections, farmers and other disadvantaged population.
d. To work for the Health and Hygiene for children, youths, adolescence and women.
e. To undertake activities of Disaster preparedness, management and rescue operation
for the rural, seashore and urban population.
f. To undertake activities of Water management and sanitation for the rural and urban
g. To work for Skill development and employment generation for youths and capacity
building for work force.
h. To associate with the Union and State Government projects/schemes/ projects.
No objects of the Company shall be carried out without permission of competent authorities
whomsoever and no objects of the Company shall be carried out on commercial basis however the
company shall apply itsprofit,if any or other income in promoting its objects & to prohibit
payment of dividend to its members.
Provided that the company shall not support with its funds, or Endeavour impose on or procure
to be observed by its members or others, any regulation or restriction which, as an object of the
company, would make it a trade union.
4. The objects of the company extend to the whole of India.
5. (i) The profit, if any, or other income and property of the company, when so ever
derived, shall he applied, solely for the promotion of its objects as set forth in this
(ii) No portion of the profit, other income or property aforesaid shall be paid or
transferred, directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise by way of
profit, to persons who, at any time are, or have been, members of the company or to any
one or more of them or to any persons claiming through any one or more of them.
(iii) No Remuneration or other benefit in money or money`s Worth shell be given by
the company to any of its members, whether officers or members of the company or
not, except payment of out-of-pocket expenses, reasonable and proper interest on
money lent, or reasonable and proper rent on premises let to the company.
(iv) Nothing In this clause shall prevent the payment by the company in good faith of
prudent remuneration to any of its officers or servants (not being members) or to any
other person (not being member), in return for any services actually rendered to the
(v) Nothing in clauses (iii) and (iv) shall prevent the payment by the company in good
faith of prudent remuneration to any of its members in return for any services not being
services of a kind which are required to be rendered by a member), actually rendered to
the company;
6. No alteration shall be made to this memorandum of association or to the articles
of association of the company which are for the time being in force, unless the alteration
has been previously submitted to and approved by the Registrar.
7. The liability of the members is limited.
8. The Authorised share capital of the company will consist of Rs. 1,00,000 (Rupees
One Lakh only) comprising of 10,000(TenThousand) equity shares of Rs. 10/- only each.
9. True accounts shall be kept of all sums of money received and expended by the
company and the matters In respect of which such receipts and expenditure take place,
and of the property, credits and liabilities of the company; and, subject to any reasonable
restrictions as to the time and manner of inspecting the same that may be imposed in
accordance with the regulations of the company for the time being in force, the accounts
shall be open to the inspection of the members.
10. If upon a winding up or dissolution of the company, there remains, after the satisfaction
of all the debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be
distributed amongst the members of the company but shall be given or transferred to
such other company having objects similar to the objects of this company, subject to such
conditions as the Tribunal may impose, or may be sold and proceeds thereof credited to
the Rehabilitation and Insolvency Fund formed under section 269 of the Act.
11. The Company can be amalgamated only with another company registered under section 8 of the Act and having similar objects.